Sunday 11 November 2012

7 months later

7 months have past and what a hard time it's been. I am 25 weeks pregnant with a little boy and can already see how much of a perfect big sister you will be. You kiss my belly everyday and are the most affectionate little thing I have ever seen. Your beautiful big smile just comes bouncing at me whenever I see you.

You have been mummas little girl for the past 6 months and aren't really interested in dad at the moment - you are going through a 'boys stink' phase and regularly roll your eyes when dad asks you to do something. It's cute. I'm just obsessed with you. Recently you asked if we could swap ownership of our cats because you claim Sebastian doesn't like me anymore. I, of course, said yes but sprinkles and basty both sleep on your bed anyway so there was no point. Christmas is coming up and you desperately want a punk barbie mustang electric car from Santa. It's $400 so you suggested to save money you asked Santa to bring it. What a sweet gesture.

You are my everything xxxx